Portable iPod / Discman Speakers with LoVid at Eyebeam

Portable iPod / Discman Speakers
Lovid / Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus
July 28, 2005
Drinks and discussion 8:30-9:00pm

Reverse the intimate, individual experience of listening to music on an iPod or Discman by creating a shared communal experience with wearable speaker pins that plug into headphone jack outputs. This workshop will include technical tasks of building the attachment cables and a visual component during which the participants will accessorize their speakers with tape, fabric, paper laminates, etc. Participants may make their own designs or respond to the theme of Merit badges and other elements of Boy Scouts uniforms. Parts of this project will be included in a group show at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts opening in October 2005.

Workshops fees are $25 ($20 for Eyebeam members) with participation limited and available on a first come, first served basis. All workshops take place at Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st Street, between 10th & 11th Avenues in Chelsea. For more information and online registration please visit http://www.eyebeam.org/learning/learning.php?page=workshops