WE Riders Pilot Ride, 7/23/05
ryan griffis:
> P L E A S E    F O R W A R D
      W E    R i d e r s    
Pilot Ride:
                 ++   July 23, 3PM - 7PM, Jack London Square &
Downtown Oakland, CA   ++
-->The WE Riders (West-East Oakland Riders) ecotourism exploration
will initiate their research project to culturally and geographically
locate West and East Oakland with their tandem bicycle during the 2005
Bayennale. The marksearch team (Sue Mark & Bruce Douglas) will use
their tandem bike to draw west-east lines showing the longitude in
Downtown Oakland during the Bayennale's opening (7/23) event.
-->The 2005 Bayennale is slated to take place in over 20 venues
throughout the Bay Area July 22 - August 7, 2005.   The first Bay Area
International Biennial Arts Festival will include hundreds of
exhibits, shows and art performances from here and abroad. For a
complete schedule of events, please visit www.bayennale.com
-->The marksearch team will illustrate the WE Riders project with a
full-scale model of the tandem bike and travelling kiosk at 65
Washington Street in the Port of Oakland Building (next to Tony Roma's
Restaurant) in Jack London Square.  Visiting hours are
Thursday-Sunday, 11am-4pm, July 23 - August 7.  The model can be seen
from the storefront window at any time.
--> WE Riders is an interdisciplinary, on-site creative research
project to give West & East Oakland residents the opportunity to
culturally define, physically locate, and celebrate their
neighborhoods through stories and images that we will collect and
display on a trailer-kiosk pulled by our tandem bicycle. The full
project will take place Spring, 2006.
For more information about WE Riders, please contact:
marksearch || cultural researchers