Postmasters this saturday: "United we Stand" by 0100101110101101.ORG

For immediate release:
December 10 -23, 2005 - January 3 -21, 2006
(Eva and Franco Mattes)
United We Stand

A media performance and urban installation in which 0100101110101101.ORG's fake movie hits the streets of your city ...and your mind

"One tactic is not to present something that we all recognize as shocking, but to present the shocking aspect of what is comfortably familiar"
- Jean Fisher, Documenta 11


Postmasters Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition "United We Stand", a new project by 0100101110101101.ORG (Eva and Franco Mattes) and their first solo show in New York. The show will open December 10 and will be on view until January 21, 2006 (gallery will close for holidays December 24 - January 2). The opening reception will take place Saturday, December 10, 2005 between 6 and 8 pm. "United We Stand. Europe has a mission" is the title of the non-existent, fully EU-produced Hollywood-style blockbuster: "A brilliant mix of espionage and sci-fi political stereotypes in which Europe, not the US, saves the world from impending doom".