call for proposals, The Infinite Genealogy: Intercultural Approaches to New Media Art
Laura Marks:
The Infinite Genealogy: Intercultural Approaches to New Media Art
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, May 2006

The Infinite Genealogy is a conference for international scholars, artists, and researchers from a variety of fields to explore non-Western genealogies and intercultural understandings of contemporary new media art. Submissions are invited for papers and artists’ presentations and performances.

The premise of this conference is that contemporary new media are already informed by the histories, knowledges, and worldviews that come to us from Chinese, Indian, Arab, African, indigenous, and other worlds of science, mathematics, cosmology, spirituality, and technology. We are interested not only in non-Western adaptations and critiques of new media, but also in affinities and historical connections between new media and traditional and “hybrid