Combining the simplicity of browser bookmarking with the social interplay of bare-bones blogging, New York-based Joshua Schachter's allows users to post, share and freely categorize their bookmarks within a commonly-accessible, continuously updated list. Built-in RSS and user-contributed hacks allow lists to appear on other sites as well. Broadly designed as an open-sourcing of Schachter's memepool site, provides a realtime feed of impulsive web-collecting. In between the dominant percentage of Slashdot-style tech links, users point each other to conservative pro-war rants, essays on speculative linguistics, the world’s cutest kitten photo collections, and idiosyncratic net art projects. Though the social potential of occasionally manifests itself in helpful suggestions or one-upping link-battles, the list's voyeuristic aspect is what truly completes the communal feel: it’s like reading the Web over someone else's shoulder. - Ed Halter