Almost blanched butterfly (after breuckL)

You or 'it' embed 'it' in its protocol until the whole
idea of
'it' is an organ that breathes in and out.

You sanctify it. With urine you claim its space,
pungeantly around it. You throttle.

All but one reflex machine sacrifices toxins to
cicadas through
the just trees over frustrated garbage.

Kneeling into a spatter of sun. The spread of it over
water, and
what of you it gives back.

What does it give back.

Listen: Nothing begins to resemble circles around
burning hunks
if she can break fragile wires.

You assemble her like circuits. She resembles you in
your more
flagrent moments.

Almost blanched butterfly stained pupa, rash fires,
smoke grease.
The inevitable insects.

Mouth across tongue slicing bedding down.

Raptor's nest leaves breathless plucked-away anxiety,
plunger plunging deeply into respiration for less than
shadows distinct tinctures' assonance. The cadence of
soaking in
predatory conversations. Is beautiful.

Dark heat [stuff it].


Excavate spewing after sharpened soil fraction's
bastard -even
frost itself, no-one…

Investigate the textures. Guitars severed with sex.
Intrigue come
and gone.

Moistened foreskin quivering amid shapes' sighs'
looped plunge
into piecemeal electricity not knowing why clouds drip

I wish I knew why planes and trains and salt and
storage. I wish
I knew data and information. Only fragile
reassembles someone different there.

Hyphenate the frenetic skeins almost eaten cold,

Nightfall bounces deadly drowning water. Knives and
the surprise
of their sight. This is the placement of it, the
absolution of
abolitionism through you. Soft silicone diaphonous.

Feel oblivion's lip-ciphering negation lifting my skin
bird. The mailman brings it every morning.

Aspirations come stainless.

Steel mirror.
Ceiling pills.
Positioned lisp.


Soda smudged milky light shadows around neck cheeks
hair sprawled ass-up.

You sternly address me. Stiff lungs, naked flesh
mumbling behind
icy blue haloes' moaning. It got cold all of a sudden.

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case, get off my
case, get off
my case. My seed bursts the mattress, and at last your
defaces the bed.

Mattress ocean necklaces crisp circuit distance
switches bleak
morning's less sleep than usual.

Rocky filament.

Darkened sky flattens gray tension.

I used to think code winding, layering, dumping peals
of cellular
lucidity across the stacks. You used me to dream.

Disarray prattles debugging the flustered pinching.

Head murmur trickles astutely swaying branches
undulating below
clouds' contorted bliss-sheets remembering watertable
mud foam
given to never-ending but shapes leap flame-drenched.
swelling stray hem brushes against everyone.

The toy is shiningly supple.

Woods joint spots blinking at her as she undresses.
Wood joint
spots burning lurid plasticity. Wood joints spots
canvassing the
digital neck. Miniscule head calculations' crooked arm

Touching her, rapture-enacted answers almost siphons
off mop-
closet technicians. We, at siamese bit, biting
ourselves into
puddles of commoness.

Vellum-curved cathode blow-up.

–Bob BrueckL, Lewis LaCook
after Lewis LaCook's "to"


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