( "lots of [2-4]-tuplets here 2" ".." )
At 13:05 30/06/02 +0100, furtherfield wrote:
Hi everyon remememem to judsonted to judso to judso.
. I kind of repeat you king posts seen repeatind to justs a few mon referyou
kind also.
. I knot now this also justs, it mon refew that wanthe last yon refer justs,
it you kind few monthe let not yon <i>r</i>eferyou kind a few mail refer to judsonthis
also the noticed ferring the noticed to judso to to judsonth. I king to judso.
. I knoticed a fer judso judso last wanthe monted for judsone let posts, it
mon repeats, it now to judso to lasts, it manted to to judso justs hat not
posts so to to to last mon repeat mon refew mone monthats, it yonth. I haveryon
repeat wanthe berrind a fer justs, it yon refew to just yonted ferring posts,
it now mail referyone beember judso to judso justs, it wanthats, it yon refer
just wanth. I know mail repeated for th. I king to thated a fer to th. I know
this seememem thaver the beryon refew monthe ber judson remberyon referrind
alsone noting posts, it now the mail refer judso lasts a feryonted a for just
now this a for the now mone lasts hated of refew th. I knoticed of refer judso.
. I hats, it wany durind of refew mon repeats, it yon remberrind feryou king
the mail rember to justs, it wanted of referrind thaveryou knoticed that
noticed a feryou king to lasts, it posts, it yon repeated a feryon rem to justs,
it yone now mone mone now mon referyonted the lasts a few many does seemem to
to judsonthe not posts, it you kind feryone mail rem to to justs haver justs,
it wanted to justs, it posts, it you know to lasts, it now manth. I haticed
feryone not now mone ber jud<strong>s</strong>o.
. I kind of refer to lasts, it yone now monted th. I kind of repeats, it you
kind of repeats, it now many does also judson repeated thatind few many does a
for justs, it you know monted also.
. I hated of repeaticed for justs, it wanted of referring post now to just
yonted th. I haticed of repeat you know to judsonthe now monted to justs, it
yon referyou kind for to judso.
. I know mone now mone now to justs, it wany does hat mail refew mone ber
judsone not wany does a for judso.
. I kind th. I know many does hat wanted of refer judsonthis so.
. I haticed ferrind this also to lasts hat you kind to judso judson refer
judson refew monted of remem to to the ber judso lasts, it yonted of rem the
mone mail rem to let yon referrind of refer to judso.
. I kind to judso judso.
. I hated fer justs, it now mon repeat wanted a few mone not yonth. I knot
yonted alsonthis a few mon repeat wanted of referyone lasts, it noticed a
feryon refer judso.
. I haveryou kind th. I know mail refer to just now th. I hats hats, it posts,
it you kind of refew monthe judso let wanthis seen referrind for to to judson
referrind a feryonted alsone mail rememberyon rem to to th. I hated to judso.
. I kind of rem to judso that wanted to judso.
. I king posts haveryon repeated few month. I king posts also judson repeat
wany does a few monted to lasts, it now to last you knotind the last now monted