Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) is a global leader in art and design education with a distinguished history of excellence in teaching and a rigorous educational model that encourages creative experimentation and risk-taking. RISD is seeking full-time faculty members who are interested in the challenge of combining engaged teaching, vibrant professional practice, and dedicated leadership and service in a community committed to critical making and critical thinking. They will join our full- and part-time faculty, experts in their respective fields and dedicated teachers, who come together with our exceptional students to create a vibrant community that celebrates difference and creativity. Appointments to begin fall 2018.
Assistant/Associate Professor, Apparel Design
Associate Professor, Ceramics
Assistant/Associate Professor in Design
Assistant/Associate Professor, Film|Animation|Video
Assistant/Associate Professor, Jewelry + Metalsmithing
Assistant/Associate Professor, Teaching + Learning in Art + Design
Visit https://careers.risd.edu/ for job descriptions and application information.