Aug. 2017 intensive program: Experience Design, LARPing, Machine Learning, and Speculative Prototyping

  • Deadline:
    July 31, 2017, 6:07 p.m.
  • Location:
    ACUD MACHT NEU, Berlin, Germany

In this four-week intensive program guided by artists and speculative designers Sascha Pohflepp and Chris Woebken, you will be designing experiences through use of live-action role play techniques (LARPing), computer vision, machine learning, and speculative prototyping.

At the end of the class, those methods will have helped you to make great steps forward in your design process and you will have gained a whole new toolset within the scope of your practice.

The final result will be a series of design provocations, shared in an event at ACUD which will be an exhibition as much an immersive experience.

For more information and to apply visit: