Ars Electronica 2002--1st Announcement

Ars Electronica 2002
September 7 - 12, 2002
Linz, Austria

Ars Electronica 2002 - 1st Announcement

1.1 Prix Ars Electronica 2002
1.2 New Registration Modalities
1.3 Prix Ars Electronica 2002 - Categories
1.4 Prix Ars Electronica 2002 - Jury
1.5 Prix Ars Electronica 2002 - Organization & Contact

You are reading the first issue of the Ars Electronica 2002 newsletter,
focusing on this year's Prix Ars Electronica competition categories,
Jury members and new registration modalities.

1.1 Prix Ars Electronica 2002
Entry Deadline: March 31, 2002

The Prix Ars Electronica 2002 marks the 16th edition of the competition
for cyberarts, which is organized by the Austrian Broadcasting
Corporation (ORF), Upper Austrian Regional Studio, in conjunction with
the Ars Electronica Festival.

The Prix Ars Electronica 2002 is announced internationally for the
categories Computer Animation / Visual Effects, Digital Musics,
Interactive Art and Net Vision / Net Excellence. In addition, there is
also a competition category for young people under the age of 19 in
Austria: Cybergeneration - u19 freestyle computing.

The total prize money for the Prix Ars Electronica 2002 amounts to Euro
100.000 / USD 88,466. The international juries will award 6 x 3 money
prizes and up to 52 Honorary Mentions. Selected works of all categories
will be presented to the public in the exhibition Cyberarts 2002 at the
O.K Center for Contemporary Art during the Ars Electronica Festival.

You will find detailed information on each category, the names of the
Jury members, the competition regulations and all information you need
to register online under:

Deadline for entries is March 31, 2002 (postmarked)!

If you need further information please contact:

1.2 Online Registration

Beginning with this year the registration for participation in Prix Ars
Electronica can be done only online. You find further informations at Please note that you will not get a printed
registration form by mail as in the years before!

1.3 Prix Ars Electronica 2002 - Categories

Computer Animation / Visual Effects //

This category encompasses:

- independent productions from the areas of art, science etc. as well as

- commercial high-end-productions from the areas of film, advertising,
entertainment etc.

Digital Musics //

This category of the Prix Ars Electronica is open to:

- Electronica (like Drum'n Bass, Dub, Techno, Downtempo, Ambient,
Breakbeat, Global, HipHop, Jazz, Noise, Mondo/Exotica, digital DJ-
culture, etc.)

- Sound and Media (like sonic sculpture intermedia/sound driven
visuals, performances, soundspace projects, installations, radio works,
net-music, generative musics, etc.)

- Computer compositions (electroacoustic, acousmatic and experimental)

Interactive Art //

This category is open to all types of current interactive works in any
form: installations, performance, audience participation, virtual
reality, multimedia, telecommunication, etc. It is prerequisite that the
projects have already been realized to the extent that they may be
judged on the basis of a documentation. Criteria for judging the works
include the form of interaction, interface design, new applications,
technical innovations, originality and the significant role of the
computer for the interaction.

Net Vision / Net Excellence //

NET VISION distinguishes projects that are striking in their
anticipative and innovative way of dealing with the online medium.

NET EXCELLENCE distinguishes projects that are convincing because of the
originality of their content and creative use of state-of-the-art

1.4 Prix Ars Electronica 2002 - Jury

In each category, all entries are judged by an international jury.

Chairman of the jury as a whole (without a vote):

Dr. Hannes Leopoldseder, whose original idea led to the initiation of
the Prix Ars Electronica in 1987.

Computeranimation / Visual Effects //

Bob Hoffman, USA; Stuart Maschwitz, USA (to be confirmed); Barbara
Robertson, USA; Rick Sayre, USA; Rita Street, USA

Digital Musics //

bLectum from bLechdom, USA; Naut Humon, USA; Florian Hecker, D; Chris
Watson, GB; N.N.

Interactive Art //

Bill Buxton, CDN (to be confirmed); Peter Higgins, GB; Masuyama, Japan;
Alex Adriaansen (NL)

Net Vision / Net Excellence //

Tina Cassani & Bruno Beusch, F; Pete Barr-Watson, GB; Tanja Diezmann, D;
Joichi Ito, Japan; Matt Mirapaul, USA (to be confirmed)

Cybergeneration - u19 freestyle computing //

Sirikit M. Amann (Austrian Cultural Service, oeks; A); Horst H