
Soundtoys for 2001… NEW festival and presentation.

Soundtoys are looking for artists, musicians who may want to contribute
interactive web sound toys , and texts. Soundtoys are interested in
works that explore the use of technology to advance audio visual
communication. Soundtoys are new audio visual experiences; and this
includes art toys, games, generative music, interactive environments,
shockwave, etcs. Soundtoys explores multimedia experiments and the
parameters of this new media world. The aim is to push the current
definitions of new and online interactive music and visually inspired
audio visual systems.

Soundtoys fuses the new relationship between music and interactivity and
allows the audience some control in the perception of the music. This
change in the relationship between the audience and the artist will
radically change our aesthetic perception and attitude to music and
sound. The user is able to choose what they experience. Soundtoys can
exist as art, toys, generative music, interactive environments,
shockwaves, environments etc.

Many web technologies are explored including shockwave, flash, vrml,
java, and the soundtoys site offer insights into the diversive and
creative nature of the web available totodays artists.

This invitation is open to artists, digital musicians, and creative
programmers and writers. We are looking for artists, musicians who want
to contribute sound toys, and texts. As well as exposure through this
website the work will be promoted worldwide at festivals a cdrom and
book are also planned.