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Ginoically Upgraded Datas (G.U.D.'s)
Transcript of an interview of Lucy by pavu.com

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pavu.com : Greetings Lucy and thank you for having accepted pavu.com and
Melentie Pandilovski's invitation.

Lucy : Hi.

pavu.com : Before tackling data-ginoing related questions - the data
processing pending to the propeller-enabled genetics studied by
biological research - we'd like to present you to the audience through
the prism of informative data upgrading technology. The first question
deals with a sheer figurative approach : are you satisfied with your
image built by point technologies on the basis of bone bits discovered
by french data-drillers?

Lucy : As far as i can biologically remember, the extrapolated result
seems quite acceptable except for the eye color and intensity which
lacks the original rendering. I must acknowledge the graphogeneticians'
efforts have the merit of being perceptible, although i would need more
time to appreciate the distance that separates me from your century.

pavu.com : You speak of graphogenetics - We'll step tonigh into
data-ginoing. Do you think that broken grounds in the visual data field
constitute significant steps forward if one keeps in mind the relative
slowness of traditionally propeller-pulsed genetics?

Lucy : It's obvious. Time has enabled us to notice that extrapolation -
i.e the arrow point of knowledge levelling in Ginoics - has the unique
anticipative potential and all the requisite capacities to generate an
upgrading shift.

pavu.com : Yet, despite persistent concerns about Ginoically Upgraded
Datas, they are spreading so rapidly that it has become almost
impossible for consumers to avoid them, datagriculture experts say. More
than 100 million bytes of the world's most fertile GNou Found Lands were
plugged with Ginoically Upgraded Datas last year, about 25 times as much
as just four years earlier. Can your confirm these estimations ?

Lucy : Absolutely. Wind-blown Pop pollen, commingled datas and
black-soap plannings have further extended these products of
data-ginoing into the far corners of the global data supply