DIDO -Day In Day Out
Calling for Submissions… All over the world people are invited to
contribute to a collective global diary. You are invited to collaborate
with us on building a chaotic and varied picture of our collective
lives. Your diary entries are archived on the DIDO website and then used
as raw material for exhibitions, projections and pasteup events by
furtherfield.org an experimental net-art collective.Your diary entries
may be passionate and emotional, casual or purely factual. There are no
rules! The Story So far…
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Exhibition at Watermans Arts Centre, Brentford, London. This exhibition
of work by 5 artists featured on the furtherfield.org website,
celebrated and documented the first year of 'Day In Day Out', in which
people from all over the world contributed their personal histories to
the DIDO collective diary. http://www.dido.uk.net/watermans.htm
Featured Website - FILE 2001- Festival of Multimedia and Interactive
works, Sao Paulo, Brazil http://www.file.org.br/
Day In Day Out is a perpetual project…