0100101110110101.org opensources 0100101110101101.org and pull the plug.
Snafu interviews Florian Cramer
Bologna, Digital is not analog, 27-5-2001
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[There was a strange smell of explosive powder in the air, last week in
Bologna. Digital is not analog, the festival of net.art, hacktivism,
reverse engeneering, fueled a warm atmosphere of recognition amongst
godfathers of plagiarism such as Negativland and a new generation of
pranksters and simulation's cowboy, such as Rtmark, Surveillance Camera
Players, Plagiarist.org and 0100101110101101.org.
The powders were fired last thursday by the exciting performance, in
Piazza Maggiore, of Alexei's Shulgin 386DX, ended up with a
decontextualized pogo. The crew got hotter and hotter over the weekend
until saturday night when a performative march took place in front of
the survaillance cameras around the center of Bologna. After that an
house party terminated with fridge divings, plastic glove-toes country
dancing and other amazing, unpredictable stuff.
But who played the role of the actual plagiarist, during the conference,
was Florian Cramer. The teacher of Comparate Literature of the Freie