55+ new works node.net

johnny deKam and node.net are celebrating 7 years of web presence in
2001 – with the turn of this new year, i thought its finally time to
emerge from the shadows here on rhizome and announce several new works
for your perusal:

+ + +

node's new QT RTSP stream unit and media proliferation utensil


culturestream is comprised of 4 sub-sections:

+ deKam's randmov.cgi - 55+ QuickTime shorts (2sec) sporadically
refreshed and replaced with new loops by an autonomous movie generator
written by deKam with nato.0+55 (http://eusocial.com)

++ live broadcasts - QuickTime Streaming Server with akamai global
stream replication. node only periodically broadcasts its own art-damage
show, which leaves plenty of open air time which could be put to better
use for certain. therefore i'm happy to offer this server to the
community for live broadcasts. if interested, contact qtss@node.net for
more info.

+++ QT Media database - its a glorified, free for all links page with a
QT URL focus… designed to help appropriators everywhere… all those
media links go into a flat text file database which is directly
accessible… so for example, ambitious electronic artists can
appropriate the URL database into their own software or website. or
perhaps its an interesting resource for keeping track of those ephemeral
RTSP streams. the only catch is that it takes 'you' to make it work -
add a url today!

++++ long-form video archive - well the streaming server is there, but
it doesn't have to be live… you'll find some archived works simply too
long for an up-front download - submissions are welcome.

+ + +

new video art software:
self-contained binaries for installation or personal use


otherwise known as 'my dinner with Netochka Nezvanova'
what was it that happened in belfort.fr anyway?
download for macintosh 6.8mb:


last night i took the phone off the hook.
download for macintosh 5.3mb:


meandering oscillations +/- 33RPM
download for macintosh 2.5mb:

revision history

generative software for re-mixing the library of congress: networked
art/collage application, harvesting photos from the American Memory
Collections Database at the US Library of Congress
download for macintosh 628k:

warm fuzzy thanks

– deKam