Film and Electronic Arts, Bard College


The Film and Electronic Arts Program at Bard College
(Annandale-on-Hudson, NY) invites applications for a full-time, tenure
track position in media production and studies. Assistant or Associate
level, salary commensurate with experience and qualifications, to begin
Fall 2001.

We are looking for an individual who possesses: a strong record as a
practicing artist; outstanding creative accomplishments in contemporary
imagemaking and a commitment to the issues and discourses within the
field. The successful candidate is also expected to have area/s of
historical, critical or aesthetic specialization, and be confident in
developing related history/theory course offerings within a rigorous,
liberal arts environment.

An ideal candidate should demonstrate evidence of (1) teaching
effectiveness appropriate for an undergrad population (2) production
skills in film/video, interactive multi-media, digital media/networks or
a hybrid combination of these forms (3) a strong commitment to
encouraging media as a creative practice (4) intellectual engagement in
areas of their own research (5) a commitment to teaching media as an
academic discipline within the context of a liberal arts setting.

Bard College is a small liberal arts college with a strong emphasis on
the arts. The undergraduate enrollment is 1,200 with a significant
number of production, history and aesthetics and media related student

The Film and Electronic Arts program is designed to integrate various
creative practices with the study of theory and criticism. The
program's emphasis leans neither towards fixed professional formulas nor
mere technical expertise, but toward imaginative engagement and the
cultivation of an individual artistic voice that has a command over the
entire creative process.

Please send letter of application, a cv, and names of three references

Film and Electronic Arts, c/o Human Resources,
Bard College, P.O. Box
5000, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504.
Additional information at