Free Art Games #5, 6 and 7.

Free Art Game #5:
The Net.Cookbook + Menu Planner.

The relation of everything to network structure is the clear goal of all
new media critics and artists. We can now start with the more mundane
aspects of our everyday life: for one, the cookbook.

The web site would function as follows:

1. Local Recipes would be collected from every city that has a network
node or server.

2. A visitor would connect to the web site, which would run a

3. Recipes from all major servers contacted from the viewers ip to the
host servers ip would be displayed; in order of appearance, with major
servers having priority over smaller servers or visa versa. [This can be
controlled by the visitor.]

4. Depending on search criteria, 7 meals would be selected and

You could also traceroutes between other websites as well. How would you
like to eat your way to, or to eat a meal from every stop on
the way from to Now you can!

+ + +

Free Art Game #6:
The Slowest Modem

Put up a PO Box (operating as the server) which users must send a self
addressed stamped envelope to.

Place one disk inside the envelope and mail it back to them. Presuming
it takes 1 week to get back to the sender; we have created the
equivalent of a 0.002438095238095238095238 [infinitely repeating] kb/s

Track the diskette through different servers [ie mail stations] on its
way to the "host" whose IP will be recorded.

All html links on the diskette must be set up as a href="mailing
address" [where "mailing address" is, in fact, a mailing address.]

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Free Art Game #7:

Create a web portal/search engine which keeps track only of date of
creation for documents.

The only search criteria is the users birthday.

A CGI is created which analyzes planetary positioning on the day of the
users birthday and the date of the creations of various web sites.

Users can then search for astrologically compatible web sites–whether
they are looking for love, business, or friendship.

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Remember: If It Relates to Network Structure, its interesting!

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Bad Idea #348 from the Capitalist Art Ensemble:

Suggest to corporations that they make radio spots available on the
napster network as the names of bands that are hotly downloaded.

Pay the artist for the use of their name as an mp3 rather than radio
stations or airwaves.

More submissions for the Capitalist Art Ensemble wanted.