10 day art project on rhizome list.
Day 1 –> a piece of asci art
Day 2 –> a links page (bonus for creativity)
Day 3 –> the longest domain name you can find (bonus for longest)
Day 4 –> a message from outer space
Day 5 –> a password protected page (bonus for creativity)
Day 6 –> a chat room
Day 7 –> the oldest web page you can find (bonus for oldest)
Day 8 –> an email from the leader of your country
Day 9 –> a computer virus
Day 10 –> the first project
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[collect a URL for each day. you must find everything on the net. if you
can't find it, then simply make it! difficulty increases each day.
scavange all 10 objects to win! Post results to]