SITE - VRML, music and text


A Live Performance Event at the Ars Electronica Festival.

A collaboration between artists – writer, composer Helen Thorington in
Linz, Austria, composer Jesse Gilbert and architect Marek Walczak, both
in New York City [plus Emily Hartzell, Nina Sobell and Scott Rosenberg,
who are also in New York] – the work culminates in live multimedia
performance events that are an interplay between three environments:
sound (Gilbert and Thorington); text (Thorington); and vrml 3D (Walczak).

Performance times are Tuesday-Friday September 9-12 8 am. - 9 am. EST

To watch this performance you will need:

Netscape 3.0 or 4.0

Cosmoplayer Vrml 2.0 Plugin

The RealAudio Player 3

A PC with 133mhz and 32mb Ram

28.8 modem


(this archive is not up yet, but should be by Saturday