Deadline approaching: MMCA competition

Competition for both commercial and art works; Multimedia Grand Prix -
deadline soon!

Japan's Multimedia Content Association (MMCA), as former MMA and
NICOGRAPH emerged last year, is organizing competition of multimedia and
computer graphics works.

Deadline is in mid-september, depends on the category. Package, network
project, game, theatre/installation (including
interactive/non-interactive installation and performance), and computer
graphics works.

Computer graphics award is titled NICOGRAPH Grand Prix. We want to have
more works in art, and from abroad.

Recent award winners include artists such as Gento Matsumoto, Christa
Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, George Coates Company, Akke Waagner,
Rieko Nakamura and Toshihiro Anzai, Toshio Iwai, among others.

More info and entry form can be downloaded from