
HILUS end-of-the-month Info-Cocktails

"Wir drinken und blinken mit Dir im Hilus buero…"

At the end of each month, beginning July 31, 1996, HILUS intermediale
Projektforschung (research group), in Vienna, will open the door to their
information platform to host an evening cocktail and give guided Internet
tours on selected Info-Topics. These topics will be explored in the
Internet, CD ROM, Video (documentaries, artists' work, TV programs) and using
various print resources (books, catalogues, journals, newspapers, and
alternative zines). Live on-line communication in chats and CuSeeMe
connections will bring together experts from around the world.

HILUS intermediale Projektforschung is a production and research platform for
art and new technology which specializes in networking and information
processing. The group is an independent formation of artists, theoreticians,
curators, and information & hardware technicians, supported in part by the
city of Vienna. Corporate sponsors include BEKO, Compaq, and Hewlett Packard