"Reframing Consciousness"

Announcing the new book:
"Reframing Consciousness"
Edited by Roy Ascott

Presenting the work of over sixty highly respected theorists and
practitioners in art and science, the book brings to questions of art
and consciousness a stimulating diversity of approach and a rich
background of knowledge. As a whole, the volume draws together papers
that expose a new field of debate that is concerned with the active
reconstruction of reality and the reinvention of the Self.

Loosely themed around four key elements of Mind, Body, Art and Values,
the editor leads an investigation through the familiar territories of
interactive media and artificial life, combining them with new and
ancient ideas about creativity and authorship, the body and personal

It is shown that technology, creatively and wisely applied, can assist
us in realizing new ideas of self and society, just as the physical and
biological sciences can provide us with new models and metaphors for
'being' and 'becoming'. This culture is referred to as the 'post
biological', which is not to deny Nature its status but to signal the
impact of the technologies of emergence and transformation on our
understanding of consciousness and our perception of reality.

This is the first book to examine these issues in such depth, and the
first to recognize the paradigmatic changes which art, in alliance with
science, technology and consciousness research, is currently undergoing.
Its appeal extends from working artists, through students and
professionals in Art, Media and Design, to the informed general reader.

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Roy Ascott is Professor and Director of CAiiA-STAR, University of Wales
College, Newport and School of Computing, University of Plymouth. He has
been centrally involved in developments in art, technology and
consciousness for over forty years and has released over 100 papers,
widely translated.