LAUNCH OF "My" Millennium
trAce is delighted to announce the launch of "My" Millennium, a stunning
online anthology devoted to the subject of time and the digital
revolution, curated by trAce Virtual Writer-in-Residence Christy
Sheffield Sanford. The anthology focuses on a centrepiece by Australian
web-artist Mez (aka Mary-Anne Breeze), "KoDe Dis.pensa 4 the DataH
Inphoennium" which leads an impressive list of international
Adrift, Tom Bell: U.S.A.
Presente Continuo, Raoul Ferrera-Balanquet & Collective: Mexico
Slow.Time, David Knoebel: U.S.A.
Recoil, JeanNet [Jeanette Lambert]: Canada
Body Politic Under the O, Two Thousand, Jennifer Ley: U.S.A.
Agatha Appears, Olia Lialina: Russia
The Magic Millennium CyberCarpet, Marjorie Luesebrink [M.D. Coverley]: U.S.A.
Dakar Chronicle, Catherine McGovern: Canada
NEXT: [N]ex(i)t, Talan Memmott: U.S.A.
buona notte, angeli, Reiner Strasser: Germany
Time Line, Tracing Time, Ted Warnell: Canada
Time To Write, Helen Whitehead: England