14 large format digital photomontages

An exhibition of 14 large format digital photomontages

"Recording the Environment–The Hermeneutical Maze"

Colville Place Gallery
1 Colville Place, London W1P 1HN
3nd - 21st April 98
Private view 2 April 98, 6-9pm

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Is there art and life after post-modernism? Can digital art learn from
the painter? Is philosophy for artists what ornithology is for the
birds? Can art be a language? Can it be a vehicle for ideas and
narratives? What are the perceptive and creative strategies for this? Is
meaning or interpretation inherently "indeterminate"? And to what extent
"indeterminate"? If so, what are the implications? Does it mean we have
no control over our destiny?

These are some of the issues which are investigated by Guillem