COntrol & noise.

> > Sorry, the agenda is not control of the conversation. It is an identity
> > distribution network, outside of traditional channels … such
> > requires a constant flow of information, by necessity, creative writing,
> stream
> > of consciousness, poems, jokes, become part of the mix. In is similar
> to a
> > branding strategy, yet different in that a consistent message is not
> of
> > the plan.

But branding is about control of a market niche. It's about control of a
body of intellectual capital, and here that means bandwidth. In this case,
it's intellectual. It's about making sure that your brand has proper
visibility and sufficient press, even if you have to make it yourself.
Basic marketing.

But branding in the larger sense is about homogeneity, about continuity of
experience. Perhaps in this case, the continuity is about the marketing of
discontinuity. But it's still about making sure that part of the
conversation is based around your discussion. In this case the two of us
(with other folks) have been driving a thread through more or less rational
discussion. We have, for this period of time, been controlling a portion of
the bandwidth, consciously or not.

Now the question is, "Why". In my case, it's because this got my attention
and I don't want to work this week.