They Rule II

I saw the "they rule" a while ago and I was
wondering why they didn't come out with a "They Rule" : scene
version. Because sometimes it appears that the same "ruling" systems for big
business are at play in the the Art world.

"Sometimes dead is better." - Pet Sematary

Christopher Fahey May 29 2002 01:00Reply

> > Because sometimes it appears that the same "ruling"
> > systems for big business are at play in the the Art world.
> >
> >-muserna
> what sort of conspiracies are you imagining?
> just curious :-)

Yeah, me too. I'm sure if you suggested this to Josh On he could quite
easily build it. It's just a database.

Then everyone would be able to finally see who went to the same art
school as who else. It would be like a Hans Haacke piece, except it
would be petty and trivial.


[christopher eli fahey]

MTAA May 29 2002 01:00Reply

>I saw the "they rule" a while ago and I was
>wondering why they didn't come out with a "They Rule" : scene
>version. Because sometimes it appears that the same "ruling" systems for big
>business are at play in the the Art world.

what sort of conspiracies are you imagining?

just curious :-)


Conor McGarrigle May 29 2002 01:00Reply

Well if 'The Usual Suspects' taught us anything whoever does rule is the
last person you'd suspect, someone no one takes too seriously maybe even
consider a fool. someone ubiquitous.

So in the net art scene who could that be? hmmm



—– Original Message —–
From: "t.whid" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: They Rule II

> >I saw the "they rule" a while ago and I was
> >wondering why they didn't come out with a "They Rule" : scene
> >version. Because sometimes it appears that the same "ruling" systems for
> >business are at play in the the Art world.
> >
> >
> >-muserna
> what sort of conspiracies are you imagining?
> just curious :-)
> –
> <twhid>
> </twhid>
> + troikas in baklava
> ->
> -> post:
> -> questions:
> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> -> give:
> +
> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
> Membership Agreement available online at

Max Herman May 29 2002 01:00Reply

In a message dated 5/29/2002 2:42:38 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> the
> last person you'd suspect, someone no one takes too seriously maybe even
> consider a fool. someone ubiquitous.

Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse,
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous–
Almost, at times, the Fool.
Some people they are scared to joke
But Jimmy drank until he choked….

Max Herman


MTAA May 30 2002 01:00Reply

>Yeah, me too. I'm sure if you suggested this to Josh On he could quite
>easily build it. It's just a database.
>Then everyone would be able to finally see who went to the same art
>school as who else. It would be like a Hans Haacke piece, except it
>would be petty and trivial.

the info isn't public so the first step would be to gather the info.

what orgs should be profiled (rhizome, thing, sfmoma, whitney)? will
it be the boards of the orgs? or directors? or should it be

bah, to much work.


Michael Mandiberg May 30 2002 01:00Reply

there are several parallel sets of networks besides the corporate
board… (and these again go back to haacke). each of which is
separate, but thoroughly interlinked. there is the university
presidents/trustees, the museum, large foundations, and of course the
gov't. i love theyrule, but the most dissapointing thing was not
being able to see where the people moved in and out of the gov't. i
remembered a certain number of people, whom i knew had been part of
previous administrations, but it would be nice to be able to see that
connection. wasn't condoleeza rice a board member of chevron, before
she resigned to be national security advisor? i guees, though, that
brings in an element of passing time as well.


>>Yeah, me too. I'm sure if you suggested this to Josh On he could quite
>>easily build it. It's just a database.
>>Then everyone would be able to finally see who went to the same art
>>school as who else. It would be like a Hans Haacke piece, except it
>>would be petty and trivial.
>the info isn't public so the first step would be to gather the info.
>what orgs should be profiled (rhizome, thing, sfmoma, whitney)? will
>it be the boards of the orgs? or directors? or should it be
>bah, to much work.
>+ troikas in baklava
>-> post:
>-> questions:
>-> subscribe/unsubscribe:
>-> give:
>Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
>Membership Agreement available online at

Muserna Muserna May 31 2002 01:00Reply ecrit:

> Yeah, me too. I'm sure if you suggested this to Josh On he could quite
easily build it. It's just a database.
> Then everyone would be able to finally see who went to the same art
school as who else. It would be like a Hans Haacke piece, except it would
be petty and trivial.
> -Cf

Yes, but people love the trivial. Maybe it would be more interesting if
the The Rule II was about the whole art scene, since I'm not so sure how
big the scene. It was just a thought. I dont really follow much
re: who does what for who and why these days. But the links betweent they
Rule I and they Rule II should not be dismissed, as the large
corporations are the ones purchasing and donating to the arts.

"sometimes dead is better" Pet Semetary

joseph mcelroy June 1 2002 01:00Reply

When I first saw They Rule at the Whitney, it didn't work so I didn't like it
much. But when I saw it at eyebeam I thought it was pretty good. As a next
version, I would really love for him to go map out the money people, the CFOs,
the VCs, the Controllers, etc. These people actually have the power (except
for the few CEOs who created their own companies) You rarely see a CFO get
fired for bad corporate performance. I think he could map out some of that
info from the SEC Edgar database.

Joseph Franklyn McElroy
Cor[porat]e [Per]form[ance] Art[ist]